import sys; input = sys.stdin.readline; from array import * n, q = map(int, input().split()); par = array('i', [0]*(n+1)); rank = array('i', [0]*(n+1)); M = 1<<20 for i in range(1, n+1): a, b = input().split(); par[i] = int(b); rank[i] = ord(a) # # prefix doubling like suffix array # initially, we compare the first characters first and sort the "names" based on that # to break ties, we compare based on the next 1 character from the start # then next 2, next 4, and so on offset = 1; jump = array('i', par); S = array('b', rank); mr = 91 while offset <= n: v = [] for i in range(n, -1, -1): v.append(((mr*rank[i]+rank[jump[i]])<<20)+i); jump[i] = jump[jump[i]] v.sort(); nr = 0 # assign 1-2-2-3 ranks for i in range(n+1): nr += (i > 0 and v[i-1]>>20 != v[i]>>20); rank[v[i]%M] = nr mr = max(28, nr+1); offset <<= 1 # count sort the ranks a = [[] for _ in range(mr)]; A = array('i') for i in range(n+1): a[rank[i]].append(i) for i in range(mr): for j in a[i]: A.append(j) # check compare(sorted[x], query) # remember that A[i] = k if the k-th name is the i-th smallest def f(x): x = A[x] for i in s: if S[x] > i: return 1 elif S[x] < i: return -1 x = par[x] return 0 # find upper bound to which it works # 11111.....11000...00 def bs(lo, hi, t): lo, hi = 0, n while hi-lo>1: mi = (lo+hi)>>1 if f(mi) < t: lo = mi else: hi = mi-1 return hi if f(hi) < t else hi-1 for _ in range(q): s = [*map(ord, input().strip())]; sys.stdout.write(str(bs(0, n+1, 1)-bs(0, n+1, 0))+'\n')